Weekly Report 03/06/2012-10/06/2012

+Finish tests and verify radiotftp_process
+Continue and finish radio_tunnel solution and start tests
+Update the project plan with respect to feedback from Bjorn
+Schematic design for a UHX1 board

+Project plan is updated and sent to supervisors and the examiner.

+Radiotftp_process tests are still ongoing, found and fixed a few bugs.
+Both radiotftp_process and radiotftp are working without an error for the last 65+ hours
+Work on radio_tunnel solution is still ongoing.

+Schematic design for a UHX1 board had to be delayed again.


Next Week:
+Finish radio_tunnel solution and start tests.
+Start UHX1 schematic design.

While testing radiotftp_process, found a few bugs both in radiotftp_process and radiotftp(the sources are linked, so this only natural). Those bugs were minor bugs, so it was trivial to fix them. Also this week, with Bjorn we also verified the soundmodem solution again both with handheld radios and Yaesu radios. We also built aprx for Voyage Linux and tested it as Aprs Rx-Igate. Works fine, I am still waiting news from Bjorn about full digipeater function.