+Prepare the list of experiments to be performed.
+Do the experiments.
+Preparation of the experiment list has been completed.
+Experimentation had to be delayed due to problems Uhx1 programming, but we started with Bim2A tests. See the notes.
Next Week:
+None for now.
After dealing with Uhx1's programming port, I finally got it running. But it caused some serious delay. After the hardware is complete. I tested all the software and the hardware together to be prepared for experiments. It was only finished towards the end of the week. Nevertheless I was able to conduct some of the expriments on Saturday with Bim2As. Unfortunately the range I got was no more than 80 meters. Although I couldn't prove it yet. I believe this is a problem due to antenna matching. Apparently the antenna I was using was tuned for 440-450 Mhz band, while I was working with ~434 Mhz. Assuming that 440 Mhz is the -3dB frequency, At 434 Mhz my loss would be unimaginable, which explains the max range of 80 meters.